My negative DigiKey Experience

25 March 2025

What is DigiKey

DigiKey is a company selling electronic components, such as LEDs, Resistors and more

How I ordered there

I ordered two times: End of January and beginning of March 2025. Both times, I chose "Bank/Wire Transfer" for payment as I don't own a credit card and PayPal also isn't a payment provider I'd like to use. Okay, so both times, I placed the order and paid via a so-called "Realtime SEPA Transaction". That means that I get a confirmation that DigiKey received the money within 10 seconds.

The issue

Paying in the evening, I expect that they add the fund to my account within 1-2 working days after receiving the money. On the first order, nothing happened for 4 days, so I reached out via Chat and I was told it'll be forwarded to the accounting department. Another 3 days passed without anything happening, so I reached out again as I've sent them a proof of my payment. The second chat went without problems and they added the funds one hour after the second chat. So, in total, it was around 7 days after receiving the money that they added the funds.

Second order, I thought that this delay would be a one-off. It wasn't. So I ordered again, sent the money out immediately again and got a proof that they received the money again. After three days, I asked the chat to forward the issue to the accounting department and nothing happened for another 3 days again, so I reached out again and they told me exact same thing as the previous 3 chats. In the evening, I started a new chat generally asking how long they need to process such a payment and at first, they didn't really want to anser, but after some back and forth, they told me the following (loosely translated to english):

I wouldn't recommend bank transfer payment, use Credit Card/PayPal next time.

As long as the account department hasn't fixed the issue with adding the funds.

And I got kinda pissed and asked why I haven't been told that during the ordering process or in any of the previous three chats and they didn't answer, instead told me that it normally takes a few working days and that they also find this to be quite a frustrating experience. They also want to create an internal report.

What pisses me off here is that it took me three chats to find out that there are internal issues. They should have told me that before I place the order. And as they aren't able to communicate payment issues, I honestly can't trust them really anymore. What a bummer, so I placed my first order with Mouser, their main competitor.

Arrival of the order

UPS shipped quickly, though not into the parcel shop ~5 minutes to walk away, instead into the shop ~1 hour of walk away or 15 minutes by car away as I wasn't home. Not cool UPS. Another thing that kinda pissed me off is that I ordered some tape cuts: 10 pieces and they shipped 9 on one and an additional single cut one. For 3 of the 20 parts. That's so freaking unnecessary and a bad customer experience. So, in conclusion, I'm pretty much done with DigiKey. Let's just hope that Mouser is better.

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