Let's start out by outlining the two general areas where I can lower my ecological impact: The product and logistics. Let's start with the product.
First, let's outline where the problems lie. It's pretty simple here: The manufacturing of the PCBs and the components. Those are two sectors I have hardly any control over. What I can do and what I do regarding the PCBs: I choose a lead-free process. That's all I can do. I'm sourcing the PCBs from China, though that may change ot a German supplier, but here comes the cost factor into play as the German supplier is way more expensive than the Chinese one. Now to the components: There's really nothing I can do. I just source as many parts from reputable trustworthy suppliers. In this case, it's mostly Digi-Key and the small ESP32-C3 boards come from AliExpress. There's really no way for me to source these parts more sustainable.
3D Printing
Until now, it sounds kinda awful, but I still try to do my best. For that, I am looking for more sustainable filament. PLA is out of option for a durable product to buy, so at the moment, I am using PETG. I may change to recycled PETG and I'll probably also offer a PHA variant. PHA is a polymer that is completely compostable and made from bacteria and doesn't include microplastics at all. Keep this in mind. 3D printing itself is already quite efficient, so there's no way to improve in this regard.
This sector can be split into two ones again: Packaging and Shipping. Let's start with packaging.
Firstly, I try to use as little plastics as possible. For that, I use cardboard boxes and I now use bubble-wrap envelopes with a bubble-wrap replacement out of paper as well, so no more tearing out the plastic. There's one main area that I use plastic: The anti-static bag for the bare PCBs. That's needed and kinda inevitable. The tape used to seal the boxes on the other hand is paper-based, too. The cable protector on the PCBs is made from PHA. That's the good filament I've already mentioned in the Product section.
There's unfortunately still quite a big waste source in this process: The shipping labels. They are stuck onto a plastic paper thing so they don't stick to themselves on the roll and the labels themselves also aren't normal paper, but instead thermopaper. This is just some plastic/paper/chemistry mix and should be removed before the paperis disposed of in the paper bin. There are other labels without the anti-stick plastic film, but they are industrial only with a special "glue-activation" machine required starting at a few thousand €. Not an option.
If you should have received your order with two invoices: That's by design as customs requires two invoices: one to keep for them and one remaining for the customer.
Lastly, let's address shipping. That's done pretty fast: I have to use DHL/Deutsche Post and they offer a service called GoGreen where they offset the emissions from them for the specific shipment with investments. This is 1ct for national shipments in Germany and 20cts for international shipments. All international shipments are transported via plane and there's just no alternative here.
There's one small thing to add: The hoster for the website, mail server and everything else is using 100% green energy. Now you know.
In summary, I'd rate myself well, though definitely not perfect. The main area I can improve is in sustainable PCB production with a German producer, but that's about it. If you should have any other ideas on how to be more sustainable, please tell me at shop@mawoka.eu. I'd love to further improve.